2,517,340 SM Credits




How do I activate my account?
When you first register a confirmation email will be sent to your registered email address. To activate your account, click on the link within the email.

How do I edit my personal details, change my password, change my email address, amend my notifications or edit my profile picture?
If you wish to change any settings associated with your account then you will need to access your Account Settings.

Why can't I change my name?
You can only change the name on your Profile once (in case you have spelt it wrong when registering or similar). There is no need for any manager to constantly change their name, and if we allowed them to do this then it could encourage cheating. To compensate for this there is a facility to create a manager nickname, which will be displayed next to your manager name if chosen within your profile.

Wie kann ich mein Konto deaktivieren?
Du kannst dein Konto über die Kontoeinstellungen in deinem Profil deaktivieren.

Wie kann ich mein Konto löschen?
Wenn du dein Konto dauerhaft löschen willst, schicke bitte eine E-Mail an [email protected] und wir werden die Maßnahme innerhalb von 10 Werktagen einleiten.

Why has my SM Reputation dropped?
The SMFA will only reduce your SM Reputation if you have broken the Terms and Conditions you agreed to.