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How do I change a player within my my starting XI?
To change a player within your starting 11 either click on the drop down arrow on the desktop site or a player's name on the app and a list of suitable players will be displayed for you to choose from. On the desktop site you can also click and drag a player's shirt number on to the player you wish to change. As you drag a player the Player Position Helper will indicate the ideal positions where the player should play.

How do I know where to play a player within my formation?
As you click and drag a player the Player Position Helper will indicate the ideal positions where the player should play.

What do the different colours mean within the Player Position Helper?
A player will perform better in his preferred position (green) and his performance will suffer if he is played out of his natural position (orange). The more a player is played away from his natural position (red), the more his performance will suffer.

How do I give a player extra instructions?
First you need to click on the cross symbol next to the player and you will be presented with a drop down list of options. Then simply click on which option you want from the list and this will give your player the extra instruction.

How do I remove an extra instruction a player may have?
To remove an instruction click on the cross symbol next to the player and select 'normal' from the drop down options

Wieviele Live-Spielanweisungen kann ich erstellen?
Du kannst bis zu acht Live-Spielanweisungen insgesamt erstellen.

Wenn ich keine Live-Spielanweisung erstelle, wird es dann Auswechslungen geben?
Wenn du keine Live-Spielanweisung erstellst, wird sich während des Spiels gegenüber deinen Einstellungen vor dem Spiel nicht verändern.

Wenn ich 3 Wechsel zu 3 verschiedenen Zeitpunkten (z.B. 45. Min, 60. Min und 75. Min) vornehmen will, muss ich dann 3 verschiedene Live-Spielanweisungen erstellen?
Du musst für jede Auswechslung, die du zu einem anderen Zeitpunkt durchführen willst, eine eigene Live-Spielanweisung erstellen.

How do I make a substitution within a new formation?
If you wish to make a substitution within a new formation then click and drag a player’s name from your substitutes bench onto the player you want to change them with in your starting XI (to move them). You can also do this by clicking on the drop down arrows next to a player's name to the left of the screen. Now click on 'situation' to set the situation and time you would like the Instruction to be carried out using the two drop down boxes prior to clicking on the tick box and 'confirm changes' to confirm it.

Can I make a substitution without changing my formation?
If you wish to make a substitution without changing your tactics then click and drag a player’s name from your substitutes bench onto the player you want to change them for in your starting XI (to move them). You can also do this by clicking on the drop down arrows next to a player's name to the left of the screen. Now click on 'situation' to set the situation and time you would like the Instruction to be carried out using the two drop down boxes prior to clicking on the tick box and 'confirm changes' to confirm it.

How do I know which player I have selected to substitute within an In-Game Instruction?
For each substitution which you choose for your Instruction the player being substituted will have a red arrow next them and the player replacing them will have a green arrow next to them.

How do I make an In-Game Instruction Active or Inactive?
You can make any of your In-Game Instructions Inactive by clicking on Active and likewise you can make any Inactive In-Game Instructions Active by clicking on Inactive.

How do I view or edit any of my In-Game Instructions?
If you would like to view/edit any of your In-Game Instructions simply click on each individual Situation

Wie lösche ich eine In-Game Anweisung?
Du kannst eine In-Game Anweisung, welche du nicht länger benötigst, löschen indem du das Rote Kreuz neben der jeweiligen Anweisung anklickst.

Why are my tactics different then what I selected?
If you are not a Gold-Trainer then your assistant manager will decide the tactics and team in SMFA competitions.

Wie werden Ergebnisse berechnet?
Soccer Manager hat eine Berechnungs-Maschine erstellt, die viele Faktoren berücksichtigt (als Beispiel: Spieler-Fitness, Spieler-Bewertung, Spieler-Moral, Taktiken, Heim- oder Auswärtsspiel etc) um die Ergebnisse zu simulieren.